Meredith Bell – The Heart-centered Connector

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John and Ana Mann

153: Be a Go-Giver in Marriage and Life

What if you could find out secrets to a strong marriage and then discover that these same secrets can apply to all your relationships? That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this profound conversation I had with John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann, co-authors of The Go-Giver Marriage.

John is coauthor of more than 30 books, including his classic 2008 parable The Go-Giver, coauthored with Bob Burg. Ana is a clinical psychologist and therapist currently focused on training coaches around the globe to lead The Go-Giver Marriage workshops.

You’ll discover:

  • The role John and Ana each played in the creation of this book
  • The one principle that underlies all 5 secrets
  • Specific words you can say to express appreciation
  • Which secret is a favorite for John and for Ana – and why
  • Why they refer to one’s partner as an “unexplored continent”

Watch the episode:

Connect with John


Connect with Ana


John & Ana's Website

The Go Giver Marriage

John & Ana's Book

The Go-Giver Marriage: A Little Story About the 5 Secrets to Lasting Love

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