Meredith Bell – The Heart-centered Connector

I highlight business leaders who are committed to creating positive work cultures where people thrive. And a key aspect of their effort is a dedication to their own growth and the development of their team members.

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Jay Steinfeld

156: What It Means to Lead from the Core

What if every CEO understood that their title really stands for Chief Environmental Officer? My guest Jay Steinfeld makes the case that the #1 role of a CEO is to create a culture that helps people thrive and achieve their potential. He should know. His company maintained an astonishingly low turnover rate of 8% throughout his years of leadership. Find out how this exceptional leader built a healthy workplace that encouraged people to evolve continuously, experiment without fear of failure, ...

Marcel Daane

155: The Five Energies of an Exceptional Leader

Are you aware of the kind of energy you bring to conversations? My guest Marcel Daane has combined his study of martial arts and neuroscience to create a powerful, practical model you can use to apply the right energy in any situation.. In our conversation, we discussed the model and Marcel’s latest book, Five Energies of Horrible Bosses and How Not to Become One. You can take his free 5-minute assessment to become more aware of your own dominant energy and learn how to adjust it for the ...

Dr. Ruth Gotian

154: The Success Factor of Extremely High Achievers

Want to know what separates peak performers from everyone else? Dr. Ruth Gotian has studied super successful people for decades and shares the four elements that set them apart. You can learn and adopt these same behaviors. Ruth is the author of The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Performance and a contributor to Forbes and Psychology Today where she writes about optimizing success. She won the Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement “Radar” Award, ranking her the ...

John and Ana Mann

153: Be a Go-Giver in Marriage and Life

What if you could find out secrets to a strong marriage and then discover that these same secrets can apply to all your relationships? That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this profound conversation I had with John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann, co-authors of The Go-Giver Marriage. John is coauthor of more than 30 books, including his classic 2008 parable The Go-Giver, coauthored with Bob Burg. Ana is a clinical psychologist and therapist currently focused on training coaches around the ...

Nate Regier

152: Learn to See People Through

Do you need to get things done with people whose personalities are very different from yours? Dr. Nate Regier shares how you can recognize their drivers as well as their distress signals—and then respond in a way that best serves you and them. Nate is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership firm dedicated to bringing compassion into the workplace. He’s brilliant in creating models that foster positive relationships and workplaces…and then teaching clients ...

Eric Lofholm

151: Set Yourself Up for Success Every Day

What if you could begin each day with the ultimate confidence and focus? Eric Lofholm shares the exact daily routine that prepares him to have an extraordinary, productive day…every single day. Eric is President and CEO of Eric Lofholm International and the author of 15 books including his latest, Continuous Sales Improvement: The Secret of Achieving Your Peak Sales and Personal Potential. He also leads a Facebook group based on the book, The Ultimate Coach, that’s focused on how you are ...

Scott Shute

150: Change Your World from the Inside Out

What if you could learn how to notice and heed your inner signals to make the best decision? Scott Shute describes how you can do this by slowing down and becoming more mindful. We go deep into his fantastic book, The Full Body Yes, exploring the importance of knowing and loving yourself in order to bring more compassion into your world. In his most recent role at LinkedIn, Scott was the Head of Mindfulness and Compassion programs. He’s been a pioneer in creating mindfulness programs and ...

Tom Lawrence

149: Becoming a Highly Effective Leader

Why is it best to put people before processes in order to achieve the best possible results? My guest Tom Lawrence has learned the answers through intense study of thought leaders and dedicated application over the years with his own teams. Now he’s passionate about sharing his experiences and insights with aspiring and current leaders. You’ll get many practical tips from someone who’s still on the job every day honing his leadership skills. Tom is unique among my guests because he’s worked ...

Simon Haigh

148: Insights from The Growth Strategist

Are you a person who’s always looking for ways to grow and expand? If so, you’ll love my conversation with Simon Haigh. And get ready to take notes. Simon shares valuable, practical ways for expanding your mindset and behaviors to become a more effective leader. Simon is founder and CEO of GCM Consulting and He’s known as The Growth Strategist because he helps organizations and leaders grow in 4 areas: business, leadership, brand, and mindset. Simon started out as a ...

Jason Digges

147: How to Transform Conflict into Connection

What if you could welcome conflicts instead of avoiding or dreading them? My guest Jason Digges describes how it’s possible to do just that by using Authentic Relating. We talk about that topic and many other ideas from his excellent book, Conflict = Energy, The Transformative Practice of Authentic Relating. You will want to take notes because Jason shares a wealth of practical ideas you can apply at work and at home. Jason is a modern renaissance man. He’s equal parts artist, philosopher, ...

Sylvana Caloni and Paul O'Donnell

146: Lessons from a Business That Didn’t Make It

Have you considered starting a business—or do you run one now? In either case, my conversation with Sylvana Caloni and Paul O’Donnell is a must-listen. They share essential lessons learned from the starting up and closing down of a premium pie business. Their insights can help you avoid pitfalls and increase your chances of long-term success. Sylvana and Paul co-authored Humble Crumbles: Savouring the Crumbs of Wisdom from the Rise and Fall of Humble Pie to tell the story of Paul’s failed ...

Jon Hunter

145: Why Leaders Need Self-Awareness, Feedback, & High EQ

What if you could increase your emotional intelligence and expand your self-awareness? That’s the journey my guest Jon Hunter traveled in advancing from salesperson to Chief Revenue Officer. You’ll be drawn in by Jon’s truth-telling around topics like self-awareness, feedback, and creating safety and trust. Get ready to take notes because Jon drops a lot of nuggets you’ll want to remember and apply. Jon has held positions like Chief Revenue Officer and Senior VP of Sales in various ...

Tim Shurr

144: You’re One Belief Away from Exponential Growth

Do you struggle to achieve what you want in life? My guest Tim Shurr understands what holds most people back. He’s worked with more than 10,000 people in his career as a hypnotist and therapist, and in a very short time, he’s helped people break behavior patterns that have plagued them for decades. You’ll love Tim’s caring, confident approach in working with clients and be amazed at the results he helps them achieve. Tim is one of the top Hypnotists in the world and author of 6 books ...

Jeff Brown

143: Leaders Are Readers

Do you have a consistent, intentional reading habit? If not, my guest Jeff Brown will help you appreciate the power of establishing one! Jeff describes the impact that books have had on his career and life. He’s the host of the popular Read to Lead Podcast, where he interviews today's best business and non-fiction authors, such as actor and author Alan Alda, Seth Godin, John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, and more than 300 others (including me!). In our conversation, Jeff shares many practical tips ...

Roberta Matuson

142: Managing Difficult Conversations at Work

Think back to a time when you were anxious about addressing an issue with someone at work. How long did you put it off? My guest Roberta Matuson has written a powerful book to help you prepare for and have those challenging conversations. In her interview, we discussed the important, practical guidance she provides in her latest book, Can We Talk? Seven Principles for Managing Difficult Conversations at Work. We took a deep dive into the topics of confidence, clarity of preparation, ...

Janice Porter

141: Relationship Marketing Rules

How can you combine a service orientation with marketing to build strong relationships? My guest Janice Porter has a winning approach that works really well for her and for her clients. Janice is all about relationships! She’s passionate about helping people build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking, using both online and offline strategies. I loved her focus on giving first, and so will you. During our conversation, Janice shares specific strategies she recommends ...

Peter Winick

140: How to Build and Leverage Thought Leadership

How do you become a thought leader and then leverage that position for increased influence and income? My guest Peter Winick knows how. For that past 20 years, Peter has worked with a variety of thought leaders—including authors, speakers, CEOs, and academics—to build their brands. And his results are impressive. In our conversation he shares important do’s and don’ts for achieving such an esteemed position. Peter is the founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage, a consulting firm that ...

Amii Barnard-Bahn

139: Advance Your Career and Promotability

Do you know the factors that most influence your career advancement? My guest Amii Barnard-Bahn is an expert in this area; and in our conversation she reveals the five key elements that impact promotability. Amii and I discuss the one that most leaders underestimate—external awareness—and what you can do to make sure this is not a blind spot for you. Her stories about executives she’s helped are sure to inspire you! Amii is a former Fortune Global 50 executive and now a consultant to the ...

Fran Keogh

138: Become Calmer, More Mindful, and Less Overwhelmed

Do you ever struggle with overwhelm and feel stressed? My guest Fran Keogh understands those feelings. She helps clients reduce those negative states by simplifying their decisions and their lives. Fran also “gets” the perfectionism and procrastination that keep someone from achieving the results they seek. In fact, her coaching practice focuses on assisting busy professionals to build a better life in order to have more time, fun, and freedom. Over the years, Fran has reinvented herself ...

David Meltzer

137: Live a Life of Growth and Expansion with 5 Daily Practices

Have you known anyone who went from millionaire to bankrupt to multi-millionaire? That describes the journey of my guest, David Meltzer, Co-founder and CEO of Sports 1 Marketing. We discuss what he’s learned along the way, and why his company today is committed to teaching others to make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun. You’ll learn about the five daily practices that can assist you in accomplishing these three things on an ongoing basis. Before founding his ...

Dr. Bridget Cooper

136: Wisdom from the Cage Rattler about Healing Life’s Pain

How can you work through the inevitable pain that you experience in life…and emerge stronger and more powerful? Dr. Bridget Cooper knows a thing or two about that. She endured unthinkable physical, emotional and sexual abuse from infancy and throughout her teen years. She overcame incredible odds to become a powerful voice for living life fully, no matter what adversity you’ve had in your past. Dr. B is the bestselling author of six books including Little Landslides, which is her personal ...

Blaine Bartlett

135: The REAL Purpose of a Business

What if the purpose of business were to “uplift the experience of being alive on the planet?” My guest Blaine Bartlett proposes this definition after 30+ years of working with all kinds of organizations. Blaine makes the point that potential customers will want to buy from a company that takes this approach because they’ll feel good about themselves when they do. There are lots of thought-provoking moments in my conversation with this very remarkable human being. Blaine is President and CEO ...

Tom Willis

134: Why Culture Eats Everything

Is it really possible to transform a company’s culture? Tom Willis not only knows it’s possible, he facilitates these kinds of changes on a regular basis. Tom’s experiences as a CEO and Superintendent of Cornerstone Education Group, as a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and as an engineer with the Intel Corporation prepared him well for the work he does today. He’s committed to helping senior leaders become conscious of behaviors they can change that positively impact culture. You’ll ...

Janice Litvin

133: Banish Burnout from Your Life

Are you feeling stressed or in danger of burning out? My guest Janice Litvin shares valuable tips that can help you regain calmness, inner peace and joy. Janice has invested years in developing and applying unique strategies to her own life and to the lives of her clients. We discuss her stress management methodology, which is not only practical, it really works! You’ll love Janice’s passion for her work and the success stories she shares. Janice is on a mission to help leaders and teams ...

Laban Ditchburn

132: Insights from The World’s Best Courage Coach

Want to find out how to act with more courage and connect with celebrities or other VIPs? Meet my guest, Laban Ditchburn. Laban has invited, and had as guests on his podcast, well-known authors and speakers like Les Brown, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Laban’s lack of fear is well-earned. He’s one of those people who has truly seen and done it all, especially when it comes to addictions—from alcohol, sex, gambling, drugs, and negative self-talk. Laban now embodies the word, ...

Dr. Katrina Burrus

131: Transforming Brilliant Jerks into Inspiring Leaders

Have you ever worked for a very smart but very toxic boss? Dr. Katrina Burrus specializes in helping these kinds of leaders become more aware of their problem behaviors and adopt new ones that inspire people to perform at their best. You’ll love hearing about her style and approach, which focuses on strengths and strategies for building productive relationships…instead of weaknesses that need to be fixed or overcome. Katrina is the CEO and founder of Excellent Executive Coaching. She’s a ...

Vince Burruano

130: A Dose of Wisdom from an Extraordinary Sales Leader

What does it take to create a positive culture in a competitive sales environment? Vince Burruano shares answers to that question and more in this outstanding interview. Vince works with purpose and intention every day to provide opportunities for learning and development for each member of his sales team. He’s also been committed to his own growth, and he firmly believes that leaders need to be a model in this area for their teams. It was inspiring to hear Vince describe all the ways he ...

Steve Sims

129: Listening for What People Don’t Say

What could you learn about another person if you paid attention to much more than the words they were saying? Steve Sims is a master at this. He designs and delivers unique experiences for his clients by listening to what they say they want and then asking questions to hear what they really need. The result is an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience and a raving fan for life. Steve has a unique talent for connecting with people’s passions, opening doors, and making things happen. ...

Kc Rossi

128: How to Expand Your Mindset and Trust Your Intuition

Want to upgrade your mindset and learn to trust your intuition more? Kc Rossi shares powerful insights that will help you expand your thinking about what’s possible for you. Be ready to take notes because you’ll want to capture, remember, and apply a boatload of ideas from this powerful interview. Kc’s own experience as an entrepreneur for 30 years has prepared her for the work she does as a Business & Mindset Coach who helps high-achieving women entrepreneurs go from people-pleasing ...

Connie St. John

127: Eliminate Bullying in Schools and in the Workplace

What do bullying, workplace culture and visionary leadership have in common? Meet Connie St. John. She is a woman on a mission to have a positive (and BIG) impact in each of these areas. You’ll discover what she’s doing to eliminate bullying in middle schools throughout the country. And you’ll get valuable insights about the importance of leaders paying attention to the “tone” in order to tell if they are creating a culture where people thrive. Connie’s stories and message are compelling and ...

Tyler Wagner

126: Create Relationships and Connections That Build Long-term Success

What’s required to create relationships that are personally and financially rewarding? My guest Tyler Wagner has answers because connecting people is his superpower. A college drop-out and a door-to-door salesman, Tyler did not follow the typical path to a successful career. Since an early age, he’s known how to make friends and strategic introductions. It took him a while to figure out how to build a business around that, and today he has an incredible network of people who love helping him ...

Helen Appleby

125: The Unwritten Rules of Women’s Leadership

What does it take for women to thrive in the corporate world? After spending decades trying to figure out the answers, my guest Helen Appleby came to realize that men had advantages that women didn’t. So she formulated her own set of rules that she now shares through her book, podcast, coaching and programs for women. In this interview, Helen shares specific, practical tips based on her experiences. My male listeners will benefit from our entire conversation and in particular the ideas she ...

Garry Ridge

124: WD-40’s Remarkable Tribe Culture

Imagine if there were a company that could consistently achieve an employee engagement score of 93 or 94? You don’t have to imagine it. That’s a reality at WD-40 Company. My guest Garry Ridge describes the elements he and his tribe have put in place and practice daily. You’ll be inspired by his passion and commitment to create a learning and empowering culture where every single person in the company thrives. Garry is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WD-40 Company. He now speaks ...

Denise Brosseau

123: What It Takes to Become a Thought Leader

Have you ever wondered what’s involved in the path to being recognized as a thought leader? Denise Brosseau has provided the answer in her timeless book, Ready to Be a Thought Leader? And in our conversation, she reveals the key elements required to achieve that level of influence. Denise helps clients overcome a major obstacle in this journey—their reluctance to give themselves credit for their well-earned expertise. You’ll find out her approach to moving them past these self-imposed ...

Achim Nowak

122: Making the Most of Your Moments

How much attention do you pay to each moment as you experience it? My guest Achim Nowak shares four keys to becoming more mindful in the midst of a busy, full life so you create the best possible experience from every moment. In our conversation we explore four topics from his latest book, The Moment: A Practical Guide to Creating a Mindful Life in a Distracted World. This book is a rich resource of ideas and insights, and Achim is a superb storyteller. Achim is the Founder and President of ...

Nate Regier

121: Replace Drama with Compassionate Accountability

Want to reduce the amount of drama and conflict in your life? My guest Nate Regier explains the drama triangle and the real causes of conflict…and why compassionate accountability is the solution to both. Nate’s unique perspective about conflict can help you approach differences with another person in a new, better way. He’s brilliant in creating models that foster positive relationships and workplaces…and then teaching clients how to use them to transform their organizations. You’ll find ...

Vanessa Broers

120: Aim for Expansion Not Balance

How do you respond to unexpected and unwelcome events in your life? My guest Vanessa Broers has walked this path herself and helps her coaching clients navigate these situations successfully, too. In our conversation, Vanessa shares specific lessons she learned during her pregnancy and her first year of motherhood. You won’t want to miss this interview, where you’ll learn how to see that “life’s challenges are specifically designed for your success.” Vanessa is a life and performance ...

Ann Sheybani

119: Use Stories for Expert Positioning with Your Book or Presentation

How can you tell stories that draw people in, enhance your credibility and don’t send the audience running? Ann Sheybani has the answer, and she shares her wisdom in great detail in this interview. Ann excels in helping speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs write and publish books that attract their ideal clients and make them stand out from the rest. You will love her truth-telling, direct approach in describing what works…and what doesn’t. Ann is the Founder of Summit Press Publishers and ...

Dr. Doreen Downing

118: Find Your Voice and Change Your Life

Do you ever hesitate to speak up in a meeting or in a situation that you perceive to be risky? My guest Dr. Doreen Downing shares practical, valuable tips that can make those moments more comfortable and enjoyable for you. You’ll love Doreen’s approach to helping people identify their negative thoughts and beliefs that prevent them from feeling safe about speaking up. In conquering her own stage fright, she discovered being connected to your authentic self is the key to relaxed and confident ...

Brian Bogert

117: Embrace Pain to Avoid Suffering

Can you imagine having your arm torn off your body at age 7? That was the reality that my guest, Brian Bogert, faced at that tender age. You’ll be inspired and moved hearing Brian’s story of the accident, his recovery, and how he has used that experience to pursue the path he’s on now. His goal is to impact one BILLION people in the next 25 years, to help them see how to experience No Limits Living. Get out your pen and paper because Brian shares so much wisdom that you’ll want to capture ...

Robin Rosenberg

116: Creating Civility and Respect at Work

What if there were a way to create a workplace (and world!) where people genuinely respect those who aren’t like them? That’s the focus of Robin Rosenberg’s work. As CEO and Founder of Live in Their World, Robin combines her expertise as a clinical psychologist with her passion for using Virtual Reality for good. Join our conversation to learn about the programs she’s created to help all employees of a company become more sensitive to bias and its effects…and develop more respectful and ...

Crista Grasso

115: Lean Out: Achieve More by Doing Less

Are you focusing every day exclusively on the systems and processes that will help you accelerate your business growth and get the results you want? If not, Crista Grasso has practical answers! She shares lessons learned from her own jewelry business that she brings to her work with clients. You’ll find out why she recommends a 90-day plan to help you achieve phenomenal results and achieve a Rich Fulfilled Life. Crista Grasso is a lean business consultant, creator of the Lean Out Method, ...

Tom Kolditz

114: A Higher Ed Leadership Program with REAL Impact

What does it take to prepare college and university students to be effective leaders when they graduate? My guest Tom Kolditz knows exactly what’s required…and he’s making it happen as Executive Director of the Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University—the most comprehensive, evidence‐based, university‐wide leader development program in the world. Tom was hand-picked by billionaire John Doerr to create this program. What Tom and his team have achieved in the past 6 years is ...

Tony Martignetti

113: You Can Be Fulfilled RIGHT NOW

  Want to have a truly inspired and inspiring life? You’ll love what my guest Tony Martignetti has to say about this! Tony is a master at guiding his clients to explore their pasts and uncover themes in their life that help them identify the future they’d like to create. During our conversation, Tony describes what he does to be fully present so his clients feel safe opening up to him. Just listening to him is a gift that will help you discover how you can be in the moment and live a more ...

Evan Hackel

112: Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation

Want to create a new perspective about the younger generation in the workplace? You must listen to my conversation with Evan Hackel! Evan is on fire about the value these young people bring to work. You’ll discover why he says, “Millennials are the best workers who have ever entered the workforce, and Generation Z will only be better.” Evan also describes the detailed process his company uses to interview and hire new employees…and the excellent results they’ve achieved. Evan is the CEO of ...

Mark Silverman

111: Defeat Overwhelm and Stress with Only 10s

If you’ve tried different time management systems and still feel overwhelmed and stressed, this episode is for you. My guest Mark Silverman shares key points from his excellent book (and my favorite on this topic), Only 10s 2.0 - Confront Your To-do List, Transform Your Life. Mark has created a simple system that’s easy to adopt and stick with. You will love the passion and energy he brings to our conversation around valuing your time, uncovering the real reasons why you don’t do the things ...

Carl Ficks

110: Create a Fitness Routine You’ll Stick With

Have you had trouble establishing a work-out routine and sticking with it? My guest Carl Ficks has helpful solutions to that challenge! Even if you have minimal time available, Carl describes how to create a plan that will work for you. He shares how his routine enables him to be more creative and come up with great ideas for his business. You’ll love Carl’s passion for the topic and the practical tips he shares! Carl is Founder of No Surrender, LLC, and his passion is helping busy ...

Asheesh Advani

109: How Junior Achievement (JA) Worldwide Is Developing Future Leaders

Want encouragement about the future of our youth? My guest Asheesh Advani, President and CEO of Junior Achievement (JA) Worldwide, describes all the ways JA is preparing young people for employment and entrepreneurship. As one of the world's largest NGOs, JA is in more than 100 countries and reach 12 million students each year. Asheesh is a visionary and inspiring leader. You’ll love hearing the passion in his voice as he describes the impact JA is having on the lives of students around the ...

Janine Bolon

108: Create a Thriving Business with These 4 Consistent Actions

Do you procrastinate about business development? My guest Janine Bolon knows how you feel. In this lively conversation, Janine explains how she learned to block time for four all-important activities and what you can do to make them enjoyable and fun. She describes the actual messages she leaves with people and why she has so many calls afterwards. If you’re committed to building strong relationships that lead to clients working with you, get ready to take notes and apply Janine’s ...

Cindy Shaw

107: How Your Brain Influences Your Performance

Want to learn ways to take better care of your brain so you think and perform at higher levels? My guest Cindy Shaw has answers! Cindy explains the roles that food (what to eat and what to avoid), sleep and stress management play in optimizing the function of your brain. We had a fascinating discussion, and I’m certain you’ll have some ah-ha’s as you take in her insights and advice on this vital organ. Cindy is the founder of The Better Brain Academy. She’s a Certified Brain Health Coach ...

Joe Perrone

106: Create More Free Time and Deliver Greater Value

Do you feel stress or anxiety on a regular basis? That was the situation my guest Joe Perrone found himself in several years ago. As a small business owner, he had achieved greater financial success than he’d ever imagined, but he was not happy or at peace with himself. In this interview, Joe shares the various ah-ha’s he’s had in his journey to greater joy in every part of his life. Joe is the owner of 2 businesses in New Haven Connecticut – New England Collision and Astro Auto Repair. ...

Dr Roger Hall

105: Fear Less to Stay Happy and Be More Productive

Do you have any people who are “tornado magnets” in your life? If you find yourself consumed with too many thoughts about someone who’s creating issues for you, this episode is a must-listen. Dr. Roger Hall shares how to deal with these individuals…along with an amazing number of other ideas that you can use immediately to remove your negative, fearful thoughts and replace them with positive, more helpful ones. Roger is the author of Staying Happy, Being Productive: The Big 10 Things ...

Todd Cherches

104: The Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and Life

Want to become better at communicating your ideas in a powerful way to others? Catch my fascinating conversation with Todd Cherches, where we discuss key ideas from his book, VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life. Todd explains how to leverage visual thinking to paint a clear picture for your audience, whether that’s one person or 1,000s. Todd is the CEO & Cofounder of BigBlueGumball, an innovative New York City-based management consulting firm ...

Kozhi Makai

103: Sharpening Your Edge to Turn Potential into Performance

Are you making the most of the talents you have? If you identify as an under-performer in any area of your life, tune in to my interview with Kozhi Makai. We discussed the key points from his latest (and excellent!) book, Sharpening Your Edge: How to Turn Potential into Performance. Kozhi is a performance psychologist and Founder of Kozhi Makai Worldwide. His sole mission for the past 20 years has been to use behavioral science to help people thrive. He’s absolutely brilliant in the way he ...

Walt Hampton and Joe Perrone

102: What Transformational Coaching Looks and Feels Like

​What difference does it make to work with a skilled coach? Observe first-hand the life changing impact business owner Joe Perrone has experienced by working with expert coach Walt Hampton. This is truly an inspiring conversation with two people who are committed to making a real difference in the world! Walt Hampton is Founder & Chairman of Summit Success International, a global personal and professional development firm. He’s a best-selling author, business coach, management consultant, ...

Libby Gill

101: The Dismal Truth about University Student Leadership Programs

Most universities have a mission statement about developing student leaders. But very few result in graduates with the leadership skills needed for their first job. Find out why in this interview with Libby Gill. Libby and I discuss her new book, Leadership Reckoning: Can Higher Education Develop the Leaders We Need?, which she co-authored with Dr. Tom Kolditz, Director of the Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University. Libby is the former head of communications for Sony, Universal, ...

David Wood

100: Become More Focused, Fearless and Highly Productive

Want to know how you can live your life so you have no regrets? That’s the end-game for my guest David Wood, Founder of, for himself and for his clients. David works with business owners to help them double revenue, achieve more in less time, and be a more extraordinary human being in every area of their life. You’ll want to take lots of notes because David is a source of amazing insights and tips. Our rich conversation covered topics like how to hold space for another person, ...

Mary Simon

099: Change Your Brain to Change Your Triggers

Do you sometimes get triggered by another person or a particular kind of situation? My wonderful guest Mary Simon is an expert on helping clients recognize their triggers and find ways to reduce the impact on their minds and bodies. Mary is a respected, trusted executive coach with 20 years of experience, and she’s coached leaders and teams in 17 different industries. She’s certified in brain science and neuroscience and is a former faculty member at The Wharton School of Business. In this ...

David Katz

098: Plastic Bank’s Extraordinary Leader: A Dedication to Becoming

​What if you could let go of the doubts and fears that could hold you back from pursuing your big dream? This interview can rock your world! My guest David Katz is founder and CEO of Plastic Bank. He’s beyond inspiring to listen to, as he describes his journey to create and run this company. David didn’t get bogged down in questions about HOW he was going to make it all happen. He focused on becoming the person he needed and wanted to be. David shares insights about his decision to create a ...

JoAnna Brandi

097: Build a Positive Culture That Creates a Positive Spillover in the World

Why is it so important to have a positive culture in the workplace and eliminate any toxic elements? The ripple effects of both types of environments may surprise you. My guest JoAnna Brandi has a deep understanding of the dynamics and shares her expertise with great enthusiasm and clarity. You’ll love the specific actions she recommends leaders take to notice others’ strengths and express appreciation for them. JoAnna has been in business since 1990 helping companies create happy, engaged, ...

Sarah Tabet

096: How to Build a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are hot topics these days, and rightly so. Do you know all the facets involved in addressing each of these in the workplace? If not, catch this important interview with my guest, Sarah Tabet. She shares behaviors we might unconsciously engaged in that could be perceived as a micro-aggression by the other person. Sarah is Global Human Resources Director at Schneider Electric in Dubai and a business partner to senior leaders in the area of Diversity and ...

Kon Apostolopoulos

095: Life Skills for the Soccer Field and the Boardroom

What does it take for leaders to deal successfully with a crisis like COVID-19? My guest Kon Apostolopoulos literally wrote the book on how to do that! Kon co-authored and published in 2020 7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide for Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics & Other Disasters, to provide a clear roadmap. The material is a valuable reference whenever you’re experiencing a difficult situation. Kon is the Founder and CEO of Fresh Biz Solutions, a Human Capital Management ...

Dr. Lisa Walker

094: Leading Beyond Your Limits

Do your beliefs about what’s possible for you ever hold you back? If so, my interview with Dr. Lisa Walker is a must-listen. You’ll love hearing her passion and stories as she describes her own breakthroughs and the ways she helps clients with theirs. Lisa is a Psychologist and Leadership Development Expert as well as an ICF Master Certified Coach, and a Columbia University Certified Executive Coach. She’s also an advanced level Mediator and Facilitator, helping leaders navigate crucial ...

Tom Perrone

093: Spend More Time Working ON Your Business, Not IN It

If you’re working long hours in your business and find it hard to take time off, my interview with Tom Perrone is a must-listen. Tom’s been in the financial planning business since 1970, and he’s passionate about helping small business owners learn how to create a company that grows revenue and profits and also allows them to take lots of time off. Tom is the host of the Building and Protecting Your Business Worth Podcast. In our conversation, we dive into his excellent book for business ...

Dr. Oleg Konovalov

092: Use The Vision Code to Inspire Others to a Better World

Does the idea of creating a vision for your life or company seem daunting or vague? My guest Dr. Oleg Konovalov brings vision into a practical, executable concept. Oleg is a global thought leader, author, business educator and consultant with over 25 years of experience operating businesses and consulting with Fortune 500 companies internationally. He’s been named as “the da Vinci of Visionary Leadership” by many leading authorities as he helps companies create and executive their vision. ...

Julie Livingston

091: Increase Your Brand Visibility to Help Your Ideal Clients Find You

Would you like to get your name and services “out there” in a bigger way? In this interview, my guest Julie Livingston share specific strategies for doing that. She lays out an excellent plan for turning your LinkedIn profile into a landing page. Julie is president of WantLeverage Communications, a marketing communications agency based in New York City. She's an expert at helping “under the radar” companies break through the noise to capture the attention of their target audiences and ...

Gabe Arnold

090: A Three-Pronged Marketing Strategy with Kindness As the Foundation

Do you struggle with marketing your business? Catch this interview with guest Gabe Arnold. He’s the Founder & CEO of Business Marketing Engine, and he knows a thing or two about marketing. Gabe is known as a serial problem-solver, and with his 22 years of experience in professional writing, computer technology and marketing management, it’s a title that fits him well. In our conversation he shares big-picture concepts as well as tactics you can incorporate into your own marketing strategy. ...

Jim Palmer

089: Create Your Dream Business and Lifestyle

Want to get insights about creating your Dream Business so you can live your Dream Lifestyle? My guest Jim Palmer has done just that. Jim and his wife sold their home of 30 years to embark on a four-year (so far!) adventure on their boat, Floating Home. And he manages all his businesses from there. Jim also shares his journey as a serial entrepreneur, revealing successes and setbacks in his various businesses. You’ll enjoy Jim’s positive energy, truth-telling and personal stories!You’ll ...

Chris Salem

088: Master Your Inner Critic to Create a Fulfilling Life

Have you taken time to discover the real reasons for negative beliefs you hold about yourself…or others? Listen closely to this interview with Chris Salem, who explains how to discover the root cause of issues you experience in life. He shares his own journey out of co-dependency to interdependency. Chris is CEO of CRS Group Holdings, working with companies to create a thriving culture starting with a growth mindset foundation. He’s the author of the international best seller Master Your ...

Amy Evans

087: Network with Intention to Create and Cultivate Your Key Relationships

Tired of attending (live or virtual) networking events that waste your time? Find out how to radically change your thinking and your efforts in my interview with Amy Evans. As a serial entrepreneur, Amy has discovered the magic of leveraging and cultivating relationships in growing each of her businesses. She’s applied these strategies in the structure of her AlignWomen mastermind groups, with excellent results. You’ll love the energy and passion behind all the ideas Amy shares! Amy is the ...

Monica Da Maren

086: How Expanding Your Mindset Leads to Extraordinary Results

What if you could increase your income by 20 times? My guest Monica Da Maren explains how she did just that as she evolved from hair dresser to VP of Sales for Bob Proctor’s company, Proctor Gallagher Institute. You’ll be inspired by her story and the practical suggestions she shares that you can use, too. Monica’s coaching and teaching have been instrumental in my own growth over the past two years. Come prepared to take notes because Monica shares lots of valuable nuggets you can start ...

David Shriner-Cahn

085: How to Build Your Consulting or Coaching Business Following a Late Career Job Loss

Are you just getting started with your new consulting or coaching practice? If so, my interview with David Shriner-Cahn is a must-listen. Experienced professionals will also find dozens of nuggets you can use to launch or expand your business. David guides highly skilled professionals who are recovering from a late career job loss and who yearn to impact the world with their knowledge and creativity by becoming successful entrepreneurs. He’s also the host of two popular podcasts for ...

Theresa Campbell

084: How Deep Listening Can Change Your Life

Think you’re already a skilled listener? Think again. My guest Theresa Campbell shares insights that will help you listen more closely to yourself as well as to others. Theresa is the founder and CEO of Her Life, Her Legacy, a leadership development organization dedicated to the power of deep listening. As a leadership coach, author, and life-long learner, she helps you find and listen to what matters most. You’ll want to take notes to get the most value from this episode…and then apply ...

Gautam Ganglani

083: How to Break Bread Virtually

If you relied on in-person meetings before the pandemic, you’ll love this interview with Gautam Ganglani. Gautam explains how he was able to strengthen relationships with 200 people VIRTUALLY during the past 7 months. He also shared lots of gold nuggets, including how he’s used of LinkedIn to become known to prospective clients before asking them to have a conversation. Gautam is Managing Director of Right Selection, a “Speaker Management Agency” in the Gulf area of the Middle East & India. ...

Kevin Eikenberry

082: How to Keep Teammates Engaged and Connected While Working Remotely

Have you experienced any challenges when working remotely? You’ll want to capture all the gems offered by my guest Kevin Eikenberry. Kevin is co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute and has also led his own remote team for 10 years. He offers practical tips that can help you be more productive starting today. Kevin is the author, co-author or a contributing author to nearly 20 books, including his two most recent with Wayne Turmel - The Long-Distance Leader: Rules for Remarkable ...

Tom Schwab

081: Use Targeted Podcast Interviews to Explode Your Business

Want an effective, time-efficient way to get in front of your ideal prospective clients? My guest Tom Schwab explains how you can use targeted podcast interviews to establish credibility, build your list, and acquire clients. Tom is the Founder and CEO of Interview Valet, the category king in podcast interview marketing. He makes a strong case for adding “podcast guest” as one of your most effective strategies for acquiring new clients. You’ll get practical tips on identifying the best ...

Larry Indiviglia

080: A Beautiful Love Story with Lessons for Your Life

Would you commit to a relationship if you knew your partner had Stage-IV cancer? My guest Larry Indiviglia made the choice to say YES to Gayle, and he wrote 126 Days, 11 Minutes: Our Love Story to honor that very special woman. In this exceptional interview, Larry shares what he learned and how he grew as a result of his 126 days with Gayle before she succumbed to her cancer. Be sure to listen until the end as Larry reads Gayle’s beautiful note to him about finding love again in the ...

Denise Griffits

079: How to Get Your Expertise Online with Ease

Do you sometimes feel confused about which marketing strategies will get you the best results? My guest Denise Griffitts shares tips for creating a website, social media presence, and brand that bring your ideal clients to you. Denise is an expert web developer and online marketer. She describes the traps her clients fall into around branding, use of social media, driving traffic to their website, and much more. She’s the founder of Your Office On The Web, a digital marketing agency, and ...

John Ruhlin

078: How Giftology Can Transform Your Business and Relationships

Ever wonder what kind of gifts would be most memorable and appreciated? My guest John Ruhlin reveals the Who, What, When, Where and How of gift-giving, based on his bestselling book, Giftology. John is the world’s leading authority in maximizing customer loyalty through radical generosity. He’s developed a system of using generosity to gain access to elite clients and generate thousands of referrals. This is a must-listen episode if you want to know how to select the right gifts and start ...

Wayne Turmel

077: How to Be a Remarkable Remote Leader

What changes have managers needed to make to lead remote teams during the pandemic? My guest Wayne Turmel. Wayne is the co-founder of the Remote Leadership Institute, and author or co-author of 12 books including The Long-Distance Leader: Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership, which he wrote with Kevin Eikenberry. Wayne has spent 25 years in the leadership and communication skills space, the last 15 specializing in virtual communication and remote work.You’ll discover: The biggest concerns ...

Ben Baker

076: Create a Powerful Personal Brand for Your Business

Are you clear about the message that your personal brand communicates to potential clients? My guest Ben Baker has literally written the book on this, and he shares valuable insights that will help you clarify your message. We also discuss actions to take when dealing with a crisis like the pandemic. Ben is the president of Your Brand Marketing, an Employee Engagement Consulting firm.  For nearly 25 years, he’s been helping companies, and the people within them understand and communicate ...

Merrick Rosenberg

075: Understand Personality to Connect with Others

Do you ever have conflicts with people who don’t think or act like you? This episode is for you. My guest Merrick Rosenberg has studied personality differences for the past 25 years and knows a thing or two about this topic! Merrick created a unique model for teaching the DiSC behavior styles that’s easy to remember and apply. We had a great conversation about recognizing another person’s personality preferences and adapting your approach to reduce conflict and enhance communication.You’ll ...

Dre "All Day" Baldwin

074: Work On Your Game

Would you like to take your performance to the next level? My guest Dre “All Day” Baldwin has learned what it takes to do just that. Since 2005, Dre has built a content publishing empire! Since 2006, he’s produced 7,000+ YouTube videos with more than 73 million views. He’s authored 27 books and has given 4 TED talks. In this interview we discuss his latest book, Work On Your Game, and the four principles that have guided his actions since college. You’ll love Dre’s passion, substance and ...

Robert Grabel

073: Be of Service to People Already in Your Network

Want to know what service-oriented marketing and sales look like? My guest Robert Grabel explains his approach, which makes it easy for him to acquire new clients. You’re sure to get ideas you can apply to your own business development efforts! Robert created his firm Nonprofit Now! to provide organizations and their leaders with the support they need to change the world. Nonprofit Now! offers leaders customized services that nonprofits need to grow and thrive, such as Executive Coaching, ...

Katharine Halpin

072: Create Alignment for Success through Innovation

How can you take a fresh look at your work so you and your team continue to innovate and adapt to change? Katharine Halpin founded her firm The Halpin Companies 25 years ago to fill a void she saw in her CPA career. Katharine has helped leadership and management teams increase their effectiveness in engaging each other and their colleagues, her clients tend to grow 2-3x because of the innovation that gets ignited from the new work environment. She’s the author of Alignment for Success, and ...

Denny Coates

071: Connect with Your Team

What’s it like to record a conversation with someone you’ve worked with for 30 years? Join me for this discussion with my long-time business partner, Dr. Denny Coates, about our new book, Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills. We talk about some of the skills and how they contribute to team collaboration and productivity. Denny is a prolific writer. In addition to this book, Denny has published three books in 2020 for parents: How Your Teen Can Grow a Smarter ...

Michael Gelb

070: How to Master the Art of Public Speaking

Do you get nervous when you need to speak in public? Whether you’re new to making presentations or a seasoned professional speaker, you’ll want to catch my interview with Michael Gelb. He’s known for his life-changing presentations on creative leadership, genius thinking and conscious business. Michael shares several strategies from his new book, Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: 8 Secrets to Transform Fear and Supercharge Your Career. He also tells remarkable client stories that will ...

Mike Capuzzi

069: The Power & Prestige of Being a Published Author

Have you been wanting to write a book but keep putting it off because you find the task too daunting? If so, this episode is for you! My guest Mike Capuzzi is an expert at helping business owners become published authors of short, helpful books (shooks™). In his latest shook, The 100-Page Book, Mike shares his proven formula anybody can use to author, publish and leverage a shook to create a position of authority, differentiate one’s business and attract more ideal customers.You’ll ...

Deb Coviello

068: Essential Skills You Must Have to Be a Human Centric Leader

Would you like to have greater influence with people at work? My guest Deb Coviello provides important insights for making subtle adjustments to your beliefs, words and actions that can increase your impact. Deb is the Founder of Illumination Partners and host of The Drop in CEO podcast. She applies her 20+ years of experience in Quality and Operational Excellence to help clients identify, assess and solve the issues that are preventing business growth. Our conversation is packed with ...

George Brough

067: How to Lead in a Virtual Environment

Are you involved with teams struggling to deliver the expected outcomes as they work remotely? Meet my guest George Brough. George is a true thought leader on how to achieve fabulous results in a virtual environment. He’s been helping organizations do this for more than 15 years! He has facilitated the growth and success of thousands of companies across the globe by tapping into the underutilized potential of their teams. He’s the founder and CEO of Artha Leadership and is based in ...

Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal

066: The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People

Have you thought of resilience as the ability to “bounce back” from adversity? My guest Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal provides a much more powerful definition with three elements that allow you to emerge from any challenge enhanced and actually bounce forward. Have pen and paper handy because you’ll want to capture the important insights and practical tips Dr. Taryn Marie shares for developing resilience. She founded Resilience Leadership, where she serves as the Chief Resilience Officer (CRO), ...

Jason Cutter

065: Increase Your Sales with Authentic Persuasion

How would you rate your confidence level in sales situations? If you feel it could use a boost, my guest Jason Cutter shares practical ideas you can start using immediately. He explains how to acquire more clients by adopting the approach of professionals like physicians, who diagnose problems and prescribe solutions. Jason is CEO of Cutter Consulting Group and sees himself as a sales success architect. His new book is Selling with Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taking to Quota ...

Ryan Stanley

064: How to Stop Selling and Start Serving

Do you feel uptight in sales situations? My guest Ryan Stanley has a simple solution: focus on serving by doing the right thing for every person, every time. For 10 years, Ryan worked at The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in 2 roles: as an Admissions Coach, where he closed almost $22 Million in sales in 8 years, and as their first ever Internal Coach where he coached staff from entry level to C suite. Ryan took his sales and coaching expertise to new levels by ...

Chris Dorris

063: Go ALL IN and Eliminate Your Fears about Money

What limiting beliefs about money and your own potential are holding you back? My guest Chris Dorris shares profound insights and life-changing ideas in our conversation, including the 6 steps of his ALL IN process. Chris is a Mental Toughness who’s the psychological equivalent of a physical trainer. He helps clients develop mental exercises they can do every day to expand their thinking about themselves and the world. Bring pen and paper to this interview because Chris shares dozens of ...

Sharon Strauss

062: Using Your Own Science As a Guide to a More Meaningful Life

What role can science play in organizational outcomes and personal well-being? My guest Sharon Strauss provides the answer to this question—and so much more—in this interview. Sharon is Founder of The Human Insight Group, an Executive Coaching and Leadership Advisory firm that serves clients globally. As the creator of HumanSight®, she uses insights from the latest neuroscience research to help her clients approach situations in new ways. Before becoming a coach, Sharon spent 15 years in ...

Darren Gold

061: The Superpower We All Have to Create an Extraordinary Life

Are some of your existing beliefs about yourself or about the world holding you back? If so, you’ll love the many gold nuggets Darren Gold shares in this interview! This is a man who faced serious, adverse situations while growing up yet was determined to prevail and make his life a success. Today Darren is Managing Partner of The Trium Group, where he serves as an executive coach to the CEOs of many of the world’s most influential companies. His excellent book, Master Your Code: The Art, ...

Cynthia Beiler

060: Seeing Potential Regardless of Circumstances

What impact does your mindset have on your success in selling your products and services? My guest Cynthia Beiler shares practical strategies for growing your business with less stress and more ease. As CEO of Leveraged Mind Consulting, Cynthia works with clients to develop and implement an overall sales strategy to accelerate profitable growth. Her clients include large corporations as well as consultants and coaches to help them adjust their mindset and approach to selling.You’ll ...

Sharissa Sebastian

059: Develop a Strong Mindset to Avoid Self-Sabotage and Imposter Syndrome

Want to discover practical tips for having more joy and less stress in your life? Listen to my interview with leadership and executive coach Sharissa Sebastian. Sharissa has more than 15 years of corporate leadership experience, and now she coaches Fortune 100 executives at companies like LinkedIn, Microsoft, Bank of America, and Intuit. Find out her secrets to helping leaders draw on their strengths, see their value and bring out the best in themselves and others all while having fun, ...

James Butler

058: Build Your Business with Clear and Present Game-Changers

Looking for tips that can help you expand your business? My guest James Butler shares a boatload of ideas you can start using immediately. James is a serial entrepreneur who has built four companies from the start-up phase to over a million dollars in revenue. He now consults with companies to help them put the right systems in place to grow their revenues and profitability. He’s also the author of 18 books, including the best-selling book The System is the Secret. In our conversation we ...

Sherrie Sokolowski

057: Make Your Live & Online Events Unforgettable and Profitable

Have you considered putting on a live or online event? My guest Sherrie Sokolowski provides sound guidance for planning and conducting this gathering to ensure a successful outcome. Sherrie is the owner of SLS Strategic Event Planning and Consulting. She’s an expert with 15 years of experience, spending 7 years as the event planner at Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle (GKIC) following by 8 years in her own business helping clients to put on their events. Sherrie shares a wealth of information ...

Lisa Berkovitz

056: What to Do When Life Requires You to Change

Have you ever felt like you were forcing yourself to fulfill the life others expected you to live? Be prepared to take a fresh look at your life in this wonderful interview with my guest Lisa Berkovitz. She shares how to connect with your true nature, expand your view of your capabilities, and show up as your best self in the world.  Lisa is the Founder of Let Soul Lead, where she provides leadership coaching for conscious leaders and their teams. You’ll find her to be inspiring and ...

Thomas Beck

055: How to Adapt Your Business and Emerge Stronger Post-COVID19

Has your business struggled in the past months due to COVID19? My guest Thomas Beck offers concrete suggestions that can help you turn things around. He describes the reactions that can create more problems for business owners and shares strategies that lead to greater success. Thomas is a Serial Entrepreneur and Founding Partner at Varial Agency, a firm that provides fractional marketing and sales talent to companies that want expertise without the expense of hiring.You’ll discover: The ...

Dr. Kozhi Makai

054: How to Be Resilient When Facing Stress and Adversity

Everyone has been impacted by COVID-19, and it’s been a source of great financial, emotional and physical stress for many. My guest Dr. Kozhi Makai shares important insights on how to successfully navigate these unprecedented circumstances. We discuss ideas from his latest book, Disrupted! Resiliently Reintegrating After Stress & Adversity that are relevant to the challenges facing the world – and each of us – today. Kozhi is a performance psychologist and Founder of Kozhi Makai Worldwide. ...

Michael Gelb

053: How a Healing Organization Can Help Save the World

What does it mean to be a Healing Organization? That’s the focus of my interview with Michael Gelb, who co-authored a book of the same name with Raj Sisodia. Together they interviewed 25 companies that are focused on delivering value for their STAKEHOLDERS, not just their shareholders. In our rich conversation, Michael explains why he and Raj felt compelled to write this book…and how the approach of these companies improves the lives of everyone—employees, customers, the community and the ...

Maya Hu-Chan

052: Preserve Dignity and Build Trust by Helping Others Save Face

Do you know how to create strong relationships with people from different cultures? My guest Maya Hu-Chan is an expert on this topic, and she describes it in terms of “saving face.” You’ll learn that this term goes much deeper than helping someone avoid embarrassment and what it looks like in action. Maya is an internationally recognized speaker, author and Master Certified Executive Coach, specializing in global leadership, diversity, inclusion and cross-cultural management. She’s the ...

Frank Mulcahy

051: Become the Key Person of Influence in Your Field

Would you like to become the key person of influence with your ideal clients? My guest Frank Mulcahy has achieved this goal, and in this interview he gives you the exact steps for achieving this status yourself. Frank is a best-selling author, international speaker and coach. His entrepreneurial journey has included high’s and low’s; he lost more than $5 million in one venture, then came back to build a highly successful speaking career, where he is in high demand globally. Bring a notepad ...

Steve Heroux

050: Sales Is Not a Dirty Word

Are your sales skills at the level they need to be? My guest Steve Heroux speaks openly about what’s wrong with much of the sales training offered today and what he’s doing to address it. Steve is Founder and CEO of Victory Selling, and he uses a unique tool called the Sales DNA Test to help anyone in a sales role, including business owners, to identify the real factors that are holding them back. Steve was #1 producer with Aflac and CUTCO Cutlery, so the insights he shares in this episode ...

Dr. Pele

049: How Music Can Enhance Team Development and the Transfer of Training

How do the principles in music apply to work teams? My guest Dr. Pelè explains this clear connection in our conversation and in his new book, The 7 Songs of a Successful Team. Dr. Pelè blends his passion for music with his purpose to help leaders and teams achieve the success they seek, and you’ll feel his enthusiasm for both topics in this interview! You’ll also find out how you can listen to the songs that are part of each chapter in the book – the story will come to life, and you’ll love ...

Meredith Bell

048: MIC SWAP: Create a Coaching Culture That Leads to High Performance

​In this special episode, we have a “mic swap.” Former guest Angela Cusack interviews Meredith Bell about her new book, Grow Strong Leaders: Create a Coaching Culture with Learning & Development Programs That Stick. Meredith kicks off by revealing the famous Star Wars actor she was friends with in high school! We then turned our discussion to more serious topics, like what’s required to change behavior for the long-term. Meredith describes a four-step roadmap that organizations can use to ...

Angela Cusack

047: The Role of Cultural Humility in Connecting with Yourself and Others

Have you ever heard these words paired together – culture + humility? If not, you’ll learn why they belong together—and how you can use them to deepen your understanding of yourself and others—from my guest Angela Cusack. Angela is the Founder of Igniting Success, working her coaching magic with C-suite executives to have a transformational impact on the entire organization. For the past 15 years, she’s also provided mentor coaching and supervision for coaches preparing for certification as ...

Dr. Oleg Konovalov

046: Leadership Is a System, Not a Function

Why is it critical for a leader to have a clear vision in order to create a culture that’s thriving? My guest Dr. Oleg Konovalov has written an entire book about this in Leaderology! In this interview, he explains why effective leadership requires executives to understand their role in shaping a culture where people thrive. Oleg is a thought leader, author, business educator and consultant with over 25 years of experience operating businesses and consulting with Fortune 500 companies ...

Pamela Cournoyer

045: Coaching Yourself through Crisis

Have you or someone you know had to deal with a serious health issue? My guest Pamela Cournoyer faced Stage 4 Lymphoma in 2012, and she is thriving today. In this interview she describes her journey from diagnosis to recovery and talks about how she uses this experience and insight in her work with clients today. Pamela is an internationally recognized conflict management maven, and her specialties include mastering mindset, boundary setting, and resolving conflict.You’ll discover: What a ...

Libby Gill

044: How to Be a Hope-Driven Leader

What does it mean to create hope in yourself and others? My guest Libby Gill wrote an entire book about this fascinating topic. In this excellent interview, Libby brings to life the concepts in her book, The Hope-Driven Leader: Harness the Power of Positivity at Work, with examples of leaders who are the shapers of hope-driven cultures. Libby is an executive coach, leadership expert and award-winning author. She’s also been in the trenches as the former head of communications at media ...

Adam Urbanski

043: Find Your Fastest Path to Cash

Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to double or triple your revenue? My guest Adam Urbanski is known as the Millionaire Marketing Mentor for a reason. Over the past 20 years, he’s helped thousands of coaches, consultants and other service professionals achieve ambitious revenue goals in as little as 90 days. I’ve known Adam since 2006, and he’s the real deal. He knows how to help you monetize your unique genius, attract more ideal clients, and close high-value sales. I recommend ...

Brad Sugars

042: The 5 Disciplines for Adding Zeros to Your Revenue and Profits

If you’re a business owner who wants to expand your business dramatically, this episode is for you. My guest Brad Sugars is the founder and Chairman of ActionCoach, the #1 global business coaching franchise that he’s grown to 1,000 coaches in more than 80 countries. He’s also the author of 17 books, including the one we discussed in this episode: Pulling Profits Out of a Hat: Adding Zeros to Your Company Isn’t Magic. Brad Sugars reveals the most important disciplines you must follow if ...

Adam Kawalec

041: Serve Clients So Powerfully That They Can’t Shut Up about You

What if there were a simpler, easier way to acquire new clients? My guest Adam Kawalec is a Life and Leadership Coach whose approach results in 83% of his potential clients saying YES. These days, he invests no money in marketing his services. Instead, he asks for and receives referrals on a continuous basis due to the transformation his clients experience in their work with him. Adam is based in Sweden and coaches clients virtually around the globe. You’ll be inspired by Adam’s passion for ...

Katie Bishop

040: Bring a Fresh Perspective to Relationships You Already Have

Have you ever started working on a project with someone you have a history with…and allowed your previous interactions with the person to influence the attitude you bring to the current situation? My guest Katie Bishop has. She recently co-authored a book, The Best Seller, with her father. In this interview we explore why this project took five years and how her view of her dad changed as they interacted and as she interviewed people he had mentored. The lessons she shares can be applied to ...

Dr. Kevin Gazzara

039: How to Partner with Other Consultants and Make a Ton of Money While Growing Your Businesses

Do you find it hard to make time for marketing and sales because you’re busy delivering your services? My guest Dr. Kevin Gazzara has found effective ways to keep his firm’s pipeline full. Kevin is co-founder and Senior Partner at Magna Leadership Solutions based in Phoenix, AZ. Since founding his company 12 years ago, Keven has consistently done five things to grow his business. Take notes to keep track of all the nuggets Kevin drops, and stay until the end because he shares a BIG idea ...

Amy Sargent

038: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

Have you wondered why so many experts stress the importance of having high emotional intelligence (EQ)? My guest Amy Sargent makes the case in a very compelling way. I loved that her own EQ skills are highly evolved, and she provides concrete examples to illustrate how you can use EQ in everyday situations. As Executive Director at the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence, Amy helps lead online programs for leaders, coaches and HR professionals. You’ll discover: The four separate ...

Steven Crawford

037: How to Network to Get A Steady Stream of Introductions, Referrals and Sales

Want to find out how to network so effectively that you regularly get introductions to your ideal clients? Come prepared to take notes as you listen to my interview with Steven Crawford, as he reveals many of the brilliant strategies he uses to land more clients. Steven is the Director of Sales and a senior consultant with McGee Productivity Solutions based in Denver, Colorado. He manages a team of 12 consultants who have responsibility for sales in addition to the delivery of their ...

Todd Holzman

036: Increase Your Sales with Honest and Effective Conversations

Want to find out the two big mistakes that leaders and salespeople make in the area of communications? You’ll learn the answer in my interview with guest, Todd Holzman, CEO of Holzman & Company. Over the past 25 years, Todd has worked with 25,000 leaders and salespeople to help them improve the quality of their conversations. He’s discovered that, across all industries, countries and cultures, there are two errors that get people into trouble. Todd doesn’t leave you hanging about the ...

Dr. Mark Goulston

035: How to Enjoy Others…and Be Enjoyed By Them

Whenever Meredith Bell and Dr. Mark Goulston have a conversation, rich observations and insights inevitably emerge. In this episode, they explore topics that are relevant no matter what role(s) you have in life. They talk about Mark’s latest projects and then delve into topics like kindness, generosity, and what it means to enjoy a fellow human being. That’s followed by a discussion of the impact we have as listeners on the person speaking to us, and as parents on our children. As always, ...

Rachel Langer

034: Experience the Good, Bad and Ugly in Life and Stay Calm in the Process

Do you have clients who get stuck and aren’t sure what to do? And do you sometimes have that feeling yourself? My guest Rachel Langer offers practical tips for handling many of life’s universal challenges. You’ll love her down-to-earth style and openness about situations in her own life. Rachel is a professional coach who works with individuals, couples, corporate teams and executives. She’s also the author of a wonderful book, Until Now, which we discuss in her interview.You’ll discover: ...

Ben Hipps

033: The Brain’s Buy Button Affects Decisions Your Clients Make

Have you ever tried to convince someone to buy a product or service by appealing only to their logical mind? My guest Ben Hipps used to sell that way, until he learned about neuro-marketing from Christophe Morin. In this interview, Ben explains the importance of three elements that impact buying decisions and how to incorporate them into your sales conversations. You’ll see why his clients say Ben is “easy to know” and are eager to do business with him. As the Founder of Keys2selling LLC, ...

Terry Earthwind Nichols

032: Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales

Ever wish you could read people so you know how open they are to what you have to say? My guest Terry Earthwind Nichols is an expert in profiling, the art of observing others and interpreting the signals they’re sending. Join me for a fascinating conversation about little things you can pay attention to in one-on-one or group settings to detect the unspoken signs right in front of you. Terry’s varied careers – from U.S. Navy Classifier to custom clothing salesman to private club manager – ...

Barb Patterson

031: Your State of Mind Impacts What You See and Experience

Do you ever think that what’s happening outside of you is what’s causing your feelings? My guest Barb Patterson shares her journey in discovering that our experiences are always generated from within us. Once she discovered the role that our state of mind plays in everything we think and do, it transformed the way she works with clients. Her insights are profound, and you’ll come away from this interview reflecting more deeply on the way you view yourself and the world.You’ll discover: ...

Sam Hutchinson

030: Command Premium Prices and Attract a Constant Stream of New Clients

Do you struggle to attract and acquire your ideal clients? My guest Sam Hutchinson shares a simple, straightforward approach that WORKS. Sam is the founder of Hutchinson Marketing in the UK and works with experienced consultants and coaches in the US and Canada. He helps them develop an avatar of their ideal client and then develop marketing messages and sales conversations that are authentic and effective.You’ll discover: A simple, streamlined approach to marketing that feels natural and ...

Rozanna Wyatt

029: The Veil of Leadership Shame: A New Trend

Have you ever taken on a new position and been tormented by self-doubts about your ability to succeed? My guest Rozanna Wyatt explains how pervasive this feeling is among leaders she coaches. She describes how she helps them uncover the real issues that create these doubts and move past them. Rozanna is founder of Wyatt Way Counselling & Life Coaching, and she works with clients globally to help them evolve into their best selves, both professionally and personally. Her insights in this ...

Walt Hampton

028: The 3 Most Powerful Marketing Strategies That Cost $0 to Implement

Are you tired of spending money on marketing efforts that don’t produce results? My guest Walt Hampton share three simple, free strategies that can transform your business immediately. Walt is a former attorney who was able to replace his six-figure salary within seven months of starting his consulting and coaching practice by implementing these 3 strategies, and he’s coached his consultant clients to do the same. You’ll discover: The one key to remember that makes business development ...

Barbara Daoust

027: How Your Beliefs Can Hold You Back or Set You Free

Do you ever wish for more than you have in life but don’t allow yourself to believe it’s really possible? My guest Barbara Daoust is a success coach who helps clients break through limiting beliefs around money and their ability to achieve higher levels of performance. In this interview, she shares specific, practical ideas for expanding your self-image so to increase your income and achievements. Barbara’s unique background includes 25 years in Theatre Arts, Film and Television as a ...

Paul McManus

026: How to Turn Clients into Champions Who Promote You

Would you like a suggestion that can dramatically grow your revenues? My guest Paul McManus shares TWO ideas that catapulted his company’s growth, and you can adapt them for your own business. They don’t require chasing or pursuing prospective clients. Instead, clients come to YOU because you’re instantly positioned as the expert with strong social proof. Paul is co-founder and CEO of More Clients More Fun and host of The Million Dollar Producer Show. His practical, solid strategies for ...

Jodi Flynn

025: Focus on a Niche and Acquire More Clients

Do you struggle to identify a niche to focus on? My guest Jodi Flynn describes her path to identifying her favorite type of client. After she did that, she received more engagements with companies that were just the right match for her passion and skills. Jodi is the founder of Women Taking the Lead and host of the Women Taking the Lead podcast. You’ll discover: A behavior that holds many female leaders back in their careers The mindset that can cause people-pleasing and the mindset ...

Kyle Wilson

024: 7 Marketing Principles to Build Your Business and Your Brand

Are you tired of trying a bunch of different marketing tactics that don’t result in more business? My guest Kyle Wilson focuses on principles that help you identify the tactics that are right for you. Kyle was the mastermind behind Jim Rohn becoming the premier name in personal development, and he’s helped market and promote many other legends like Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Brown. What Kyle shares in this interview is pure gold! You’ll discover: The importance of ...

Jason "JG" Goldberg

023: Build a Competition-Proof Coaching Business

Do you struggle to compete with other professionals in your same industry? Block time for my interview with Jason Goldberg to find out how to set yourself apart so YOU are the one your ideal clients choose to work with. Jason explains three simple pillars that can help you demonstrate your uniqueness and acquire clients more easily. He shares examples of his clients (coaches and consultants) who’ve achieved dramatic results from implementing a few simple strategies. Get out your pen and ...

Dolores Hirschmann

022: Clarify Your Message to Engage Your Audience

Would you like to kick your presentations up a notch or two? My guest Dolores Hirschmann helps speakers, entrepreneurs and authors prepare a compelling message for a TEDx talk and other stages in her role as Chief Clarity Officer at Masters in Clarity. In this interview, she shares her unique 7-step framework for appealing to the head and heart of your audience members. You’ll discover: How volunteering for a TEDx event can benefit your business One question that can help you identify ...

Axel Meierhoefer

021: Developing Relationships That Pay Again and Again

How do you get your foot in the door of large organizations if your firm is a small operation? My guest Axel Meierhoefer, Ph.D. describes how he has consistently gotten work with global companies…and continues to find ways to deliver value over time once he’s there. Axel also explains how to form such strong relationships that when key contacts leave the company, they engage you for projects with their new employer. And Axel shares a unique question that he poses to clients to ensure they ...

Aaron Young

020: Don’t Try to Be Perfect with Your Clients

Do you feel pressured to show up with clients as someone who has it all together? My guest Aaron Young argues that always showing the “shiny” version of your life is not as compelling as being transparent. Aaron is Chairman and CEO at Laughlin Associates, and his life’s work is to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection. His personal history includes a year spent in prison. His willingness to share that with audiences and ...

Jonathan Keyser

019: You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win

Have you ever wondered if a business can really be sustainable if you focus exclusively on serving others? That’s exactly how my guest Jonathan Keyser has built his commercial real company. In his new book, You Don’t Have to Be Ruthless to Win: The Art of Badass Selfless Service, Jonathan describes the stages of his own awakening to this approach when working in the cut-throat, back-stabbing commercial real estate industry. Now he’s on a mission to transform that industry as well as other ...

Melissa Ford

018: Acquire More Clients by Living Service

Are you ready to shift from struggling coach to thriving professional? My guest Melissa Ford has walked that path herself. In her new book, Living Service: The Journey of a Prosperous Coach, Melissa describes the uneven steps she took on her way to establish a truly successful coaching practice. She shares the beliefs that held her back and how she broke through them to create more clients than she’d ever dreamed possible. Today, in addition to her own clients, Melissa works with other ...

Lance Hazzard

017: A Model for Accelerating Leadership and Creating a Coaching Culture

Sometimes executive coaching falls short of the expected outcomes. My guest Lance Hazzard has developed a system to ensure all the right stakeholders are involved so the coaching engagement is a resounding success. Lance created this process based three unique experiences: (1) as a senior HR executive who received coaching, (2) as an internally certified coach working with other leaders inside the company, and (3) as an external coach working with clients. Lance is President of Oppna ...

John Nemo

016: Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Network AND Your Business

Have you struggled with how to use LinkedIn most effectively? Meet John Nemo, author of LinkedIn Riches and Content Marketing Made Easy. John helps coaches, consultants and other service professionals make the most of this powerful platform. He knows that creating the right connections and then building strong relationships with them are the keys to expanding your business. In this interview John shares many specific strategies you can start using TODAY. You’ll discover: How to create ...

Frank Wagner

015: How to Become Credible in the Eyes of Your Clients

What’s the most effective way to get the attention of a potential client and gain a sterling reputation? In this interview, my guest Frank Wagner explains two powerful things you can do to gain credibility and build trust. Frank is an expert on developing strong relationships that span decades. He’s been Marshall Goldsmith’s business partner for more than 30 years and created the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching program. You’ll discover: How Marshall Goldsmith acquired ...

Jody Holland

014: Build Deep Relationships That Create Loyal Clients

Ready for a boatload of practical tips you can use to acquire and keep more clients? Jody Holland is a fire hose of ideas! In the past 20 years, he’s published 20+ books, been a keynote speaker 300+ times and trained almost 300,000 leaders. Jody shares the approach he takes in conversations that cause people to ask how they can work with him. No chasing or pushing involved! You’ll discover: What Jody did to generate a six-figure income his first year in business Metrics you can use to ...

Jeff Moore

013: Simplify Your Message to Explode Your Income -

How do you become the trusted advisor with your clients for life? My guest Jeff Moore has succeeded in doing just that in a highly competitive industry. Jeff is a brilliant marketer who helps his clients simplify their description of who they are to their audience so it’s easy for people to quickly “get” the benefit of their product or service. This interview is packed with usable gold nuggets that can help you create unforgettable and remarkable experiences for your clients. You’ll ...

Mark Struczewski

012: 5 Strategies for Taming Your Distractions

How effective are you with using your time every day? My guest “Mister Productivity” Mark Struczewski is an expert in helping people reduce overwhelm and increase their daily output by taming distractions. In this episode he shares simple, easy-to-implement tips that will ensure that you get more done – and that they are the right things to achieve the results you want. You’ll discover: The one thing you can do to reduce daily anxiety and achieve a greater sense of calmness Practical ...

Dr. Mark Hinderliter

011: The Tale of Two Cultures

What can go wrong if the leadership of a company changes and the new executives focus exclusively on the bottom line? My guest Mark Hinderliter, Ph.D., lived through this experience with two different companies. He came to understand the factors that can plummet a once-thriving company into one that struggles or goes out of business. As an external coach and consultant today, he describes the approach he takes to identify whether or not a prospective client is focused on these ...

Dr. Shohreh Aftahi

010: Add a New Revenue Stream to Your Coaching Services

Have you been looking for a way to scale your business without putting in longer hours and more effort? When she transitioned from corporate executive to business adviser, Dr. Shohreh Aftahi found that she needed to get creative in order to serve her audience of small business owners. She developed a special program that brought her 50+ coaching clients in the first 6 months! In this episode she reveals the elements of her blueprint. You’ll discover: How to create a profit center ...

Marc Mawhinney

009: Take Risks to Acquire Clients Who Pay What You’re Worth

Many “gurus” are giving coaches and consultants some bad advice by discouraging them from actually coaching, according to my guest Marc Mawhinney. And Marc should know. He’s worked directly with hundreds of coaches since 2014 and has a popular Facebook group, The Coaching Jungle, with 16,000+ members. In this interview Marc explains why it’s important to first build up a base of client fans who get fabulous results from working with you before you attempt to create other revenue sources, ...

Steve Chandler

008: Unleash Your Creativity by Challenging Beliefs and Thoughts

In this special one-hour episode, Coach Extraordinaire Steve Chandler shares brilliant tips that can help you on two levels – with your own personal growth and in your work with clients. Steve is the author of more than 30 books, and Meredith has read 12 of them, each one outstanding in its own right. In this interview, Steve takes a deeper dive into the golden nuggets contained in his latest books, CREATOR and Right Now. You’ll want to listen more than once to capture all the valuable ...

Whit Raymond

Episode 007: Create a Practice That’s Ideal for You AND Your Clients

It can be tough to run your own practice as a business owner attending to business development and as a service professional providing value to your clients. Whit Raymond understands that challenge from both sides, as he’s alternated between being inside the corporate world and serving executive teams as an external advisor and strategic leadership coach. Whit is the founder of LodeStar Leadership LLC. He’s created a system for identifying which clients are the best fit for him and which ...

Dr. Ana Melikian

Episode 006: Build Relationships with the ABCDs of Giving and Receiving

As a coach and consultant, you probably find it natural to give. You may find it more difficult to ask or receive. Dr. Ana Melikian shares a powerful set of actions steps that can strengthen relationships with your core network in a meaningful way. She explains the difference between nurturing your core network of 100 and doing outreach to 20 people you want to know and add to your network. Ana is the host of the MINDSET ZONE Podcast and Founder of Tech Tips for Coaches. She works closely ...

John Livesay

Episode 005: How to Become a Revenue Rockstar

If you find yourself anxious in sales situations with potential clients, this episode is for you! My guest John Livesay explains how to incorporate storytelling into your sales conversations to become memorable and compelling. John’s insights about handling objections, dealing with rejection and asking for the business are priceless. To go deeper with his material, get his best-selling book, Better Selling through Storytelling: The Essential Roadmap for Becoming a Revenue Rockstar, and ...

Dr. Mark Goulston

Episode: 004: Be Compelling and Stand Out with Clients

You’ll want to grab a pen and thick pad of paper for this information-packed interview with Dr. Mark Goulston. He reveals several intriguing ways to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd. Mark is a prolific content producer. He’s the author of the best-selling books Just Listen and Talking to Crazy; the host of two podcasts, “My Wakeup Call” and “Stay Alive”; and a syndicated columnist. You’ll discover: How to be compelling instead of convincing with prospective ...

Ellen Cooperperson

Episode 003: How to Prevail Even in Extreme Adversity

You’re going to face many personal and professional challenges in life, and you can prevail in all of them. Ellen Cooperperson describes four different life-threatening situations her son faced as a young man and how the two of them used creativity, persistence and determination to overcome the odds each time. Ellen is the CEO and founder of Cooperperson Performance Consulting, and the author of the bestselling book, Desire, Discipline, and Determination. Hearing her story will inspire and ...

Dr. Pele

Episode 002: Why You Should Focus on Big-Tickets Clients

You can dramatically grow your revenue without killing yourself when you focus on clients who can easily invest in your high-end programs. Dr. Pelè is the author of the Amazon bestseller, Big-Ticket Clients: You Can’t Catch a Whale with a Worm. In this episode, he explains how to use content marketing to position yourself as an authority and lay the groundwork for building solid relationships. Dr. Pelè shares how one of his clients started a podcast that opened the door to conversations ...

Ben Dooley

Episode 001: How to Find Your Wow Factor

Do you allow your unique self to shine when you’re with clients? Master Certified Coach Ben Dooley gives specific tips on how to do this, authentically and confidently. For more than a decade, Ben has been helping other coaches discover their powerful coaching magnificence and develop confidence. In this interview Ben describes the two most important places your confidence needs to shine, and he shares a simple yet profound process for quickly discovering others’ perceptions of what makes ...