Meredith Bell – The Heart-centered Connector

I highlight business leaders who are committed to creating positive work cultures where people thrive. And a key aspect of their effort is a dedication to their own growth and the development of their team members.

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Gautam Ganglani

083: How to Break Bread Virtually

If you relied on in-person meetings before the pandemic, you’ll love this interview with Gautam Ganglani. Gautam explains how he was able to strengthen relationships with 200 people VIRTUALLY during the past 7 months. He also shared lots of gold nuggets, including how he’s used of LinkedIn to become known to prospective clients before asking them to have a conversation. Gautam is Managing Director of Right Selection, a “Speaker Management Agency” in the Gulf area of the Middle East & India. He’s been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years as part of a father and son team. They represent and work very closely with world renowned authors and global thought leaders like Marshall Goldsmith, Ron Kaufman & Brian Tracy. You’ll want to take notes as he shares tips and stories from his new book, Breaking Bread: Building Meaningful Relationships for Long-lasting Success.

You’ll discover:

  • How “breaking bread” differs from networking
  • Three principles Gautam’s father shared with him in high school that serve as the basis for everything he’s done since then
  • Why sharing coffee or a meal with someone is so powerful
  • What you can do to get the attention of your ideal clients on social media
  • How to use affirmations to create a new reality for yourself

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Gautam Ganglani

Gautam's Book

Breaking Bread: Building Meaningful Relationships for Long-lasting Success

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